MFworks Tutorial

MFworks has evolved from MAPFactory, originally designed by C. Dana Tomlin, the father of map algebra.  Conducting network analysis in MFworks comprises iterative steps that lead to a functioning network. These steps will convert map layers with square cells into linear elements that are linked together as lines, with directional flows assigned to each cell, and map layers containing cost variables. This tutorial, developed by in 2002, is a showcase on network analysis in MFworks, with step by step instructions and a summary of the theory behind it.

MSc in GIS

This tutorial builds on my thesis for my MSc in GIS, where I explored the topic of network analysis in raster GIS, using MFworks as example software, investigating current algorithms, procedures and network modelling techniques and finding some odd artefacts along the way.




Click here for the tutorial.


MSc in GIS

This tutorial builds on my thesis for my MSc in GIS, where I explored the topic of network analysis in raster GIS, using MFworks as example software, investigating current algorithms, procedures and network modelling techniques and finding some odd artefacts along the way.


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