Literature Review – K

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rb2_tiny Kaluza, P., Kölzsch, A., Gastner, M.T & Blasius, B. (2010). The complex network of global cargo ship movements. Journal of the Royal Society Interface

rb2_tiny Kaplan, S., Garrick, B.J. (1981). On the quantitative definition of risk. Risk Analysis, 1(1), 11-27.

Kaplan, S. (1997). The words of risk analysis. Risk Analysis, 17(4), 407-417.

Kaye, D. (2008). Managing Risk and resilience in the Supply Chain. London: BSI.

Kent, J. L. J., & Flint, D. J. (1997). Perspectives on the Evolution of Logistics Thought. Journal of Business Logistics, 18(2), 15-29.

Kersten, W., Blecker, T. (Eds.) (2006) Managing Risks in Supply Chains: How to Build Reliable Collaboration in Logistics. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.

rb2_tiny Khan, O., Burnes, B., & Christopher, M. (2007). Risk and Supply Chain Management – Creating a Research Agenda. International Journal of Logistics Management, 18(2) 197-216.

rb2_tiny Khan, O., Christopher, M., & Burnes, B. (2008). The impact of product design on supply chain risk: a case study International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38 (5), 412-432

Khemani, K. (2007) Bringing Rigor to Risk Management. Supply Chain Management Review 11(2), 67-68.

Kiser, J., & Cantrell, G. (2006). Six Steps to Managing Risk. Supply Chain Managment Review, 10(3), 12-17.

Kleindorfer, P. R., & Saad, G. H. (2005). Managing Disruption Risks in Supply Chains. Productions and Operations Management, 14(1), 53-68.

Kleindorfer, P. R., & Wassenhove, v. L. N. (2004). Managing risk in global supply chains. In H. Gatignon & J. R. Kimberly (Eds.), The INSEAD-Wharton Alliance on Globalizing – Strategies for Building Sucessful Global Businesses (pp. 288-305): Cambridge University Press.

rb2_tiny Knemeyer, A., Zinn, W., & Eroglu, C. (2009). Proactive planning for catastrophic events in supply chains Journal of Operations Management, 27 (2), 141-153

Köhler, H. (2011) Supply Chain Risiken im Low Cost Country Sourcing: Reduktion von Lieferrisiken in China und der Türkei. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.

Kotzab, H., Seuring, S., Müller, M., & Reiner, G. (Eds.). (2005). Research Methodologies in Supply Chain Management. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.

Kotzab, H., Grant, D. B., Teller, C., & Halldorson, A. (2009). Supply chain management and hypercompetition. Logistics Research, 1(1), 5-13.

Koubatis, A., & Schönberger, J. Y. (2005). Risk management of complex critical systems. International Journal of Critical Infrastructures, 1(2/3), 195-215.

Krajlic, P. (1983). Purchasing must become supply management. Harvard Business Review, 61(5), 109-117.

rb2_tiny Kroger, W. (2008). Critical infrastructures at risk: A need for a new conceptual approach and extended analytical tools. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 93 (12), 1781-1787

rb2_tiny Kurniawan, R., & Zailani, S. (2010). Supply Chain Vulnerability and Mitigation Strategy of the Manufacturing Firms in Indonesia: Manager’s Perspectives. International Business Management, 4 (3), 116-123

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Suggest a paper for review

While I try to do my best to stay up to date on the latest research on supply chain risk, there are still more papers than I can possibly read (and review). If you have found a paper not in the list above and believe it should be there and/or would like me to review it, please leave a comment below.