This book by Martin Christopher, Logistics & Supply Chain Management
, is one of the better if not among the best books on supply chain management. Written by Professor Martin Christopher of the Cranfield School of Management, the book deals particularly with best practices in supply chain management in the current era of globalization. Responsiveness, reliability and relationships are the basis for successful logistics and supply chain management. Strategies like Just-In-Time (JIT), Lean and Agile thinking are reviewed, and last not least, there is a chapter on supply chain risk.
Better than van Hoek and Harrison?
I prefer Logistics Management and Strategy by van Hoek and Harrison to this book. That said, while Christopher’s book has lesser compelling graphics and looks less like a textbook, it is one of the very few supply chain textbooks that deal with supply chain risk.
Read online
Christopher, M. (2005). Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Author Link
- Martin Christopher
- Buy this book: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Book Review: Supply Chain Risk – the forgotten discipline?