How to secure your supply chain

“Secure the company’s flows” or “Säkra företagets flöden” in the original Swedish language is the title of a handbook published in 1999 by the Swedish Emergency Management Agency, the Swedish eqivalent to FEMA in the USA. Although 10 years hold, much of this handbook still holds true. I found it by accident when reading a  PhD thesis from Sweden on supply chain risk. This handbook deals with Business Continuity Management much more than just supply chain disruptions, but is well worth a read…for those capable of the Swedish language. For those not so versed in Swedish, in the coming days I will translate and highlight some of the topics covered in the book.


Giertz, E., et al. (1999) Säkra företagets flöden, Silfgruppen, Stockholm. ISBN 91 7097 056-4


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