CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference

The phrase “Supply chains compete, not companies” was coined by Martin Christopher, and it is a fitting reminder for the theme of the CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference: “Overcome Barriers That Face Your Supply Chain and Turn Them into Competitive Advantages”. CSCMP is the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals and their annual conferences is a unique meeting place for supply chain professionals from all over the world meet for professional education and global, regional and local networking opportunities.

Barriers, what barriers?

These are a selection barriers that form the centre theme of the conference:

  • Top management indifference
  • Lack of company internal alignment
  • Lack of data visibility
  • Inadequate supply chain infrastructure
  • Environment and climate issues
  • Unwillingness to collaborate and cooperate
  • Congestion
  • Lack of a qualified labor pool
  • Complex security issues
  • Government regulations

Research seminar

The conference also includes a research seminar, where contemporary issues in European logistics and supply chain management are exposed and examined. The research seminar theme is selected for its special relevance and interest to the European logistics and supply chain community and/or businesses and professionals who operate in Europe or are otherwise interested in European development.

Topics of interest could be:

  • Global supply chain strategies of European enterprises
  • Supply chain learning and innovation: European cases
  • Barriers and facilitators of supply chain integration and alignment
  • European distribution strategies
  • Logistical implications of the EU enlargement
  • European logistics service providers: strategy, structure and relationships
  • The genesis of European logistics clusters
  • Retailing in a European context
  • Reverse logistics in a supply chain context
  • European CSR policies in connection to logistics and global sourcing

Speakers and sessions

The Journey to Put On-Time-In-Full (OTIF) in Place at Grohe

Overcome barriers of internal alignment for effective supply chain performance.

  • Soenke Kuehl
    Vice President Global Supply Chain, Grohe AG

Challenges and Hurdles in Implementing Global Supply Chain Visibility

Overcome barriers in implementing a worldwide lean and flexible performance measurement solution that would provide end-to-end transparency in the supply chain.

  • Martin Bellhäuser Vice President SC Process Integration, Regulations & SC Security, Siemens AG/Corporate Supply Chain and Procurement
  • Robert Stiglmayr
    Business Expert SC Process Integration, Siemens AG/Corporate Supply Chain and Procurement

International Logistics Management – Trends and Strategies

Overcome the barriers that influence the development of logistics system by learning from various industries in the USA, Europe, and China.

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Straube
    Berlin Institute of Technology
    Vice President, German Logistics Association (BVL)
    Board Member, European Logistics Association (ELA)
  • Dr. Thomas W. Speh
    Associate Director – MBA Program
    Miami University (Ohio)
  • Dr. Alfonz Antoni
    President, European Logistics Association (ELA)
    MD of ViV Logistics – member of ViV Holding

CEVA: An Effective Integration

Overcome internal, cultural, and operational barriers during a logistics merger.

  • John C. Patullo
    Chief Executive Officer, CEVA Logistics

LEGO Logistics: The Second Generation

Overcome the challenges of securing efficiency and customer focus after operations consolidation.

  • Egil Møller Nielsen
    Senior Director Global Distribution Logistics, The LEGO Company

Fresh Flowers on Every European Table! – The Complexity of Managing Global Fresh Flower Supply Chains

Overcome the barriers of a tightly controlled and guaranteed supply chains in order to enable effective and efficient global supply chain management.

  • Servaas van der Ven
    Manager Logistics, FloraHolland
  • Kees Verweij
    Team Leader Logistics, TNO

Global Sparepart Sourcing, Manufacturing and Distribution

Overcome internal and external barriers to designing and executing a global spare parts supply chain strategy and distribution network while delivering customer value.

  • Knud Midtgaard
    Vice President Operations, Alfa Laval AB

Incentive Based Temporary Logistics Labor Pool Management

Overcome barriers of establishing a qualified temporary labor pool.

  • Carl-Axel Eriksson
    President, Logistikkentrepriser Norge AS
  • Lars-Göran Ahlberger
    President, Logistikentreprenader Sverige AB
  • Gunter Bergenroth
    Director Operations, Green Cargo AB – Division Logistics
  • Carsten Moberg
    Logistik Entreprise Danmark A/S

Barriers for German Supply Chain Solutions for an Indian Market

Overcome regulatory, infrastructure, and cultural barriers, when designing a supply chain in the retail industry.

  • Ralph Ehmann
    Chairman, IWL AG – The Supply Chain Group

The Impact of Customs and VAT on the Supply Chain

Overcome European trade, customs, and VAT barriers.

  • Erik de Bie
    Shareholder Global Trade, Customs and VAT Practice, Greenberg Traurig, LLP

Conference website

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