Book Review: Transportation Security

Instead of Transportation Systems Security, which I reviewed in an earlier post, I should have settled for this book, I realize that now. Transportation Security by Clifford Bragdon has all the stuff that I was looking for in Transportation Systems Security. Where that book fails, this book succeeds. Why? Because this book, unlikeĀ  the other mentioned, gives a holistic view of our world’s transportation security processes and operations, in all modes. Although at times heavily US and homeland security oriented, this book still manages to capture me, the international audience, to the full. As editor, Clifford Bragdon has managed to put together an excellent book and I can only commend him on his achievement.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
    • Transportation Security and its Impact
    • Transportation Security Through Logistics Transformation
    • The Need for a Transportation Systems Approach
    • Mobility Security and Human Behavior
  • Modal Aspects of Transportation Security
    • Road Transportation and Infrastructure Security
    • Aviation Security
    • Maritime Security
  • Technology Applications to Transportation Security
    • Computers and Transportation Systems Security
    • Intermodal Transport Systems Security
    • Applying Military Situational Awareness Systems
  • Transportation Security Solutions
    • Automatic Identification and Data Capture
    • Infrastructure Recovery Initiatives
    • Immigration and National Security
    • Establishing a Global Center for Preparedness

The verdict

This is an excellent book. Despite being compiled from different contributions, the overall style is clear and concise, with objectives stated at the beginning of each chapter. Looking at the index, pretty much all you can imagine is covered. If you’re only working in one of the mentioned transportation sectors, this book may be a bit too much, though.


Bragdon, C. (2008) Transportation Security. Oxford: Butterworth-Heineman

Author links


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