As a researcher within supply chain risk, I find the ISCRiM Newsletters a valuable source of information, particularily for academia-related news on recent papers, books, conferences, dissertations and theses, job openings, ongoing research projects and whatever else that could be useful. I had not heard about ISCRiM until recently, but it is a resource that is well worth staying in touch with.
The International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRiM) is a network of academians interested in how to handle different types of risks in the supply chain. The main purpose of the ISCRiM-network is to speed up, and improve, the research within “Supply Chain Risk Management”.
Highlights in this issue
There are a couple of interesting papers and books that are mentioned in the newsletter, and I look forward to read, and review them on this website, in particular:
- Ritchie, B.; Brindley, C. & Armstrong, N. (2008). Risk assessment and relationship management: a practical approach to supply chain risk management. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management, 3(3/4), 228-247.
- Urcioli, L. (2008). Security in Physical Distribution – causes, mitigation measures and an investment model. Licentiate thesis, Lund University, Sweden.
- Kaye, D. (2008). Managing Risk and resilience in the Supply Chain. London: BSI.