Supply Chain Risk – 2009 Lecture

Supply Chain Risk – The dark side of supply chain management.  What is (supply chain) risk? What are typical supply chain risks? This lecture will highlight some of most influential research into supply chain risk, both past research and current research. Last year I gave a guest lecture on supply chain risk at Molde University College, Norway. This year, in 2009, I was asked to do the same lecture, and I said yes. Since I have come one year further in my research into supply chain risk, naturally I have discovered many new references, and so the 2009 version is a bit different from the 2008 version. The basic theme is the same, but many details and figures have changed.  I have also been asked to give a lecture in 2010, so you may want to skip this post, and go straight to the 2010 version of my lecture on supply chain risk.

The lecture slides

New for 2009: Videos


To make things a bit more intesting for the students who had to endure me for three hours, I also decided to  include some videos this time.

First, there is the same as last year BBC News about how piracy can lead to supply chain disruption, which is no less important this year.

Second, I included a a video where Christopher Tang speaks about robust strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions.

Third, I added an excerpt from a talk by futurist Patrick Dixon on events he calls “Wildcards”; the latter is a video of a business consultant’s view of high-impact events:


Husdal, J (2009) Supply Chain Risk – The dark side of supply chain management. Unpublished. Lecture notes, Molde University College, Molde, Norway.


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