Supply Chain Risk Webinars

WTG WebinarI’ve never given much though to webinars as a means of communication, as  blogging is my force, although I do have a lecture on supply chain risk, but not in webinar style. Perhaps it’s time to reconsider. I just recently became aware of  WTG Webinar, a website that caters to the business community and serves webinars by highly acclaimed speakers on management and supply chain issues, thus bringing the world of thought leadership and insider industry knowledge directly to your desktop. So, what’s in store at WTG Webinar?

Webinars – a coming trend?

Why blog when you can webinar? And what is a webinar, by the way? According to Wikipedia, a webinar is (typically) a one-way web conference with limited audience interaction, such as in a webcast. Each participant sits at his or her own computer and watches and listens to a speaker on a certain topic. The closest I’ve come to a webinar was Christopher Tang’s YouTube presentation on mitigating supply chain disruptions. YouTube seems very passée now, webinars are the future…and WTG has a whole collection of them, for example:

Supply Chain – It’s risky business

Supply chains - risk business by Douglas KentA webinar on supply chain risk by Douglas Kent from the Supply Chain Council examines the responses from hundreds of global companies to our recent supply chain risk survey, unveiling their most concerning risks and the level of exposure.  In addition, the study uncovers how companies are evaluating their level of vulnerability and, most importantly, reveals the best practices being adopted to effectively mitigate supply chain risk.

Supply Chain Resilience

Yossi Sheffi on Supply Chain ResilienceYossi Sheffi has a webinar on supply chain resilience, where he highlights the most effective ways of developing resilient supply chains and will explored how they can be used for day-to-day competitive advantage. The ability to bounce back from unexpected supply chain disruptions is the essence of “resilience”. Resilience can be achieved by building in redundancy (e.g., in inventories, capacity, and suppliers), but such redundancies are expensive. A more viable way of ensuring resilience is by building in flexibility into the supply chain.

WTG on Demand

The good thing about WTG is that most of their webinars are made available on demand after they have been broadcast, so even if you’ve missed one, you can still watch it later, when you have the time: WTG On Demand.


Related is an official media partner for WTG Webinars

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