Resurrection – back in business or not?

resurrectionPerhaps it’s about time to get this blog up and running again? It has been 18 months since my last post, and while I have had many thoughts and ideas about what to write, I simply haven’t found the time or – more importantly – motivation to do so. Serious blogging does take some serious effort, which I have been lacking. While I cannot promise the same prolific posting that I used to have, I still want to post enough to let my readers know that this blog is still alive and kicking.

That said, getting back into blogging will not be an easy task.  First of all, given my last job change, which is what lead to the demise of my blog in the first place, supply chain risk is no longer the main focus. The academic perspective and literature and research review posts that I used to have are also no longer possible, at least not in-depth, as I no longer have complete access to academic journals. That is sad, but that’s the way it is.

Well, what from now on will be the main topic is transport vulnerability and crisis management as seen from my current workplace,  the Southern Region office of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, NPRA, (Statens vegvesen Region sør) in Arendal, Norway, where I work as a senior adviser in contingency planning and crisis management. Mostly, my work consists of supervising risk and vulnerability analyses, conducting crisis management drills and exercises, and developing tools and methods for this. My blog posts will report from this work, as a real-life example of how ISO 31000 Risk Mangament can be put to into practice.

One of the challenges I face, and perhaps the main reason why this blog has suffered, is that my work is conducted in Norwegian, so are the papers and reports I read and the presentations I produce – and to be put here they must be translated first, and not simply translated, but also adapted such that readers without inside knowledge of Norway and the NPRA will understand how things work here.

Nonethless, I have no intentions of letting this blog die, and I have already prepared some posts that will show up in the near future.

Posted in my BLOGGING

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