A new beginning – a fresh start

mobile-friendly15 years. More than 500 posts. Countless design changes. New friendships. Exciting opportunities. Insights. Knowledge. A 3-year break from blogging. And now, a new beginning, a fresh start with a new and according to Google, mobile-friendly theme. Perhaps that is the motivation I need to get started again? I don’t know for sure, but I hope so. There is a Norwegian saying, “Forandring fryder”, which best translates as “Making a change will make you happy”, and so far the change has indeed made me a bit happier.

Source of supply

In the 3 years that have passed since I changed jobs my blog has not seen many posts. Actually, hardly any posts. Not that there hasn’t been anything to blog about, there has been plenty, but there has been a major lack of inspiration. Why? Because a major source of supply in blogging material has dried up. No longer part of academia, my online access to academic journals is severely restricted at best and practically non-existent at most. Consequently, I haven’t been able to keep up with the latest research, and thus, most of my blog post ideas simply never turned up, since I was no longer able to tie up current research with current events and current trends. My blog suffered a supply chain disruption, as I wrote in Does a blog have a supply chain in 2010.

Back in business

Well, that well of knowledge has now started of flow again, having signed up as a part-time student. As I discovered when I scoured Science Direct for articles on transport(ation) vulnerability, transport(ation) resilience and alikes, quite a lot has been written on these subjects. That is the first source of future inspiration. What is surprising, though it shouldn’t be is that quite a few articles cite some of my work as their reference. I may have published and vanished,  but I have not published and perished. That’s good to know, and is the second source of inspiration for future articles. What remains to bee seen is whether I will actually have the time or make the time to write about these articles, or whether the infamous Writer’s Block will strike again. I hope not.


Posted in my BLOGGING

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