Supply chains compete, not companies

“Supply chains compete, not companies” is the motto on Martin Christopher’s web site, Martin Christopher is is Professor of Marketing and Logistics at Cranfield School of Management. His work in the field of logistics and supply chain management has gained international recognition. He has published widely and his recent books include Logistics and Supply Chain Management and Marketing Logistics.

Martin Christopher

The website states, and I can attest to that, having met him personally,

Martin Christopher has been at the forefront of the development of new thinking in logistics and supply chain management for over thirty years. His contribution to the theory and practice of logistics and supply chain management is reflected in the many international awards that he has received. His published work is widely cited by other scholars and he has been invited to participate in academic and industry events around the world. Martin Christopher was one of the first to recognise that the real competition is between supply chains not companies and he has sought to identify ways in which supply chain excellence can be achieved and sustained.

Martin Christopher’s particular research interests lie at the interface between marketing and logistics reflecting his belief that these two critical activities underpin superior supply chain performance.


On Martin Christopher’s web site you can read more about him and his research interests, download his articles and find a number of interesting supply chain links. Among other things the website has Powerpoint versions of selected diagrams from the latest edition of this book Logistics and Supply Chain Management. I find that particularly useful.


The website also has a selected list of papers, articles and books and books chapters published and edited by Martin Christopher. It also includes a list of useful web resources, where I feel honoured to see myself listed as “A good source of information on sources for supply chain risk management”.


All in all, is a place to not just learn all about Martin Christopher, is also a beginner’s guide to supply chain management and everything that goes into it.

Supply Chain Management Textbook

In my next post I will review the lastest edition of his book Logistics & Supply Chain Management: creating value-adding networks, which contains a highly recommendable chapter on supply chain risk.



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