Blog Archives

The Box is back!

A year ago the BCC started “The Box” project, where BBC News is following a shipping container for a whole year to tell the story of globalisation. The Box is back where it started

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The BBC box

I usually watch the BBC World Business Report every morning and today I learned that BBC News is following a shipping container for a whole year to tell the story of globalisation.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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A conceptual model of Supply Chain Flexibility
What do you do when you find two research papers by the same three authors, published the same year,[...]
Sustainable supply chains
Sustainability has become a huge buzzword, both in today's business world and within the broader fac[...]
Book Review: Operations Rules
Operations Rules by David Simchi-Levi comes with an ambiguous title. You can read this two ways: 1) [...]
Understanding risks in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Today's unstable and highly competitive business environment has created a shift in how enterprises [...]
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
My daily morning routine includes a cup of coffee while watching the World Business Report on BBC Wo[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
from HERE and THERE
The BBC box
I usually watch the BBC World Business Report every morning and today I learned that BBC News is fol[...]
Issues in visualization of risk and vulnerability
Risk analysis tends to be a highly mathematically, statistically, and let alone probabilistically or[...]