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Incapsula – Rest your worries

After more than 4 years with Incapsula I have no reason to question the security layer surrounding my website. This is how and why I’m using the Incapsula Pro plan on my WordPress website

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Broken links and broken promises

Maintaining a blog with more than 500 posts is a daunting task. While a post itself may still be in order eight years after it was written, the links in it however most likely are not. When I revived my blog after three years of hibernation I knew this was going to be a a major problem. It was a problem I created myself in the first place.

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A new beginning – a fresh start

In the 3 years that have passed since I changed jobs my blog has not seen many posts. Actually, hardly any posts. Not that there hasn’t been anything to blog about, there has been plenty, but there has been a major lack of inspiration.

Posted in my BLOGGING

Resurrection – back in business or not?

Perhaps it’s about time to get this blog up and running again? It has been 18 months since my last post, and getting back into blogging will not be an easy task. Nonethless, I have no intentions of letting this blog die.

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Tags: is back?

Many of you may have wondered why there hasn’t been a new post on this blog for 6 months, and admittedly, I am quite embarrased about it, because I used to be such a regular blogger. To all my regular readers who have missed me, do not despair, I’ll be back real soon.

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CloudFlare or CloudFront – who wins?

In blogging, page speed is important, and after two weeks of rigorous testing I can say that CloudFlare works better than Amazon CloudFront. More interestingly, W3 Super Cache in combination with CloudFlare is better than using W3 Total Cache and CloudFlare together.

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Does a blog need a Mission Statement?

What is the purpose of this blog? Where should I be headed? Finally, I have developed a “mission statement” and those of you following this blog on a regular basis will probably have noticed the subtle changes already. So…what is this blog going to be about in the future?

Posted in my BLOGGING

Earthquake, tsunami, meltdown and data backup

Perhaps I’m capitalizing on the current catchphrases of the day, but in a sense I too was in disaster management mode the last night. My blog was down. I had caused it myself, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to solve it. Until I found the rescue button: Site Backup and Restore.

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How to use Amazon Cloudfront as CDN

The delivery network is as crucial to a blog as it is to any business. While, it is important to have the right infrastructure, aka cables and connections, what really matters most – as in much of real-life logistics – is delivery speed. Using Amazon CloudFront I can ensure timely and reliable delivery of my blog posts to any reader, anywhere.

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2010 – a blogging year to remember

2010 is history and it is time to look back at my blog and how it has has developed over the last 12 months. 2010 has been a good year, and my blogging goal for 2010 was to double the numbers or key performance indicators from 2009 to 2010. That has been achieved.

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Blog Supply Chain Risk: Writer’s Block

Regular readers of this blog will have noticed a considerable gap in my postings, with several weeks and even more than a month between posts at times. It’s not that I have been too busy with my day job, not really.

Posted in my BLOGGING

Time for a change

With the help of a weekend, and the principle of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) I have hopefully transformed this blog to the better. I’m still working on it, as a blog is always a work in progress. It will never be really finished, and there will always be new alleys to explore.

Posted in my BLOGGING

Better Alexa ranking – how to

Today I will share some personal thoughts on my blogging: The magic Alexa ranking, supposedly showing a website’s popularity on the Internet. But does Alexa ranking really matter? Is a high Alexa ranking really a quality sign? You know, Alexa is so easy to manipulate.

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A note to my readers

I’m sorry for not posting here as frequently as I perhaps should. I’m moving house and I’ve been renovating my new apartment every day after work for the past two weeks, leaving little time for much else besides work than a few hours of well-deserved and highly-needed sleep.

Posted in my BLOGGING

Does a blog have a supply chain?

Is it possible to say that a blog has a supply chain? And if that is the case, are blogs exposed to supply chain risks? If that is the case, are blogs exposed to supply chain risks? This slightly humorous post takes a look at my blog from a supply chain perspective.

Posted in THIS and THAT

2009 – traffic and such

Looking back at 2009: Which posts did do well, which ones did not do so well, how did people found their way to my blog, and what did they read most. One post in particular stands out, but not for the reason I expected. And what are all these visitors from India doing on my blog?

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2009 – looking back

Time for a short review of 2009, looking back at how this blog has evolved over the past 12 months and where it may be headed in the near future. This blog has seen quite a change during 2009 and by the looks of it, it is headed in the right direction, but will my readers follow?

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State of the art in SCRM?
A severe supply chain disruption has hit my own blog: More than a month without a post. It's not tha[...]
Transportation - the forgotten staple
What a difference a title makes. I only found this article because it was referenced in another arti[...]
Appetite versus Attitude
Finally, and long overdue, another review in the Gower Short Guide to Business Risk book series. Thi[...]
Book Review: Global Supply Chain Management
The Handbook of Global Supply Chain Management is an excellent book. My interest in it stems from th[...]
Calculating the Value-at-Risk
Some of you may remember that I posted about the SCOR Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management ear[...]
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
My daily morning routine includes a cup of coffee while watching the World Business Report on BBC Wo[...]
from HERE and THERE
Food commodity supply chains at risk?
Have the prices gone up at your local supermarket recently? Maybe your favorite chocolate is suddenl[...]
eSourcingWiki - can it be trusted?
The other day I came across eSourcingWiki, "a global collaborative effort for supply management best[...]