Blog Archives

Blog Review: Gold or Dust?

This month’s blog is based on a true story, namely the academic journey of Charlie Newnham, who is studying for her MSc in Resilience at the University of Cranfield, UK, and chronicles her (almost daily) thoughts, her ideas and struggles as she comes to grip with what to write in her thesis topic.

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Blog Review: RiskCzar

This month’s blog is RISKCZAR’s BLOG by Trevor Levine, a blog that is based on his almost 20 years of experience in financial, operational and enterprise risk management (ERM), and process improvement. In other words, a heavy-weight risk champion, but it’s not heavy-weight reading.

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Blog Review: Risk Containment

This month’s blog is a blog for anyone who works with or is exposed to risk, and is a blog full of personal insights, funny stories and profound wisdom with business and management insights told through a personal lens and seen in light of past and present events, coupled with a solid dose of risk understanding.

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Blog Review: Oz’s Business Continuity Blog

This month’s blog review is not just a post, it is perhaps also an Easter Egg in disguise. It is a blog as a blog should be. It is a personal blog and it is a fun blog, but it never forgets its main goal: to spread life’s own lessons in business continuity and risk management.

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Cutting costs or cutting risks?

Obviously, cutting risks and cutting costs are two strategies that are often detrimental to each other, and after cutting costs simply for the sake of reducing operational costs, you may have to cut corners in order to cut risks.

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Blog Review: Contemplating…Ken Simpson

Ken is a freelance management consultant living in Australia. He specializes in the field of Resilience/Continuity Management. His blog is a must read for the business continuity professional seeking a wider perspective.

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Agile Business Continuity

The other day I came across a new term: Agile Business Continuity, on the blog of Paul James, It is a blog that is well worth reading and I think that the word agile really captures the essence of what business continuity management (BCM) is about in the first place.

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Risky Thinking

Michael Z Bell is a Business Continuity consultant, based in Ottawa, Canada, and his business website (and blog) presents current information and opinions on business continuity, disaster recovery, risk assessment, and business impact analysis.

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Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Finally it appears that someone has developed an easy, hands-on, not-so-academic and straightforward[...]
State of the art in SCRM?
A severe supply chain disruption has hit my own blog: More than a month without a post. It's not tha[...]
Book Review: Logistics Management and Strategy
Logistics Management and Strategy by Alan Harrison and Remko van Hoek does come at very hefty price,[...]
Book Review: The Full Costs and Benefits of Transportation
This book, The Full Costs and Benefits of Transportation: Contributions to Theory, Method and Measur[...]
Calculating the Value-at-Risk
Some of you may remember that I posted about the SCOR Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management ear[...]
The Benefits of Investing in Supply Chain Security
With the memory of attacks by Somali pirates still fresh in mind, supply chain security has come to [...]
from HERE and THERE
The Swedish Road Network - Vulnerable or not?
The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden KTH is in the finishing stages of a research [...]
Less cost and less disruptions?
One of the regular readers of my blog alerted me to an article in the NY Times titled Slow Trip Acro[...]