Tag Archives: cloudfront

CloudFlare or CloudFront – who wins?

Have you heard of CloudFlare? I hadn’t either until two weeks ago, but as a business blogger, CloudFlare should be among the first on the list of services to consider.  In a previous post comparing delivery speed in logistics with the page loading speed of a blog I described how I used Amazon CloudFront as a Content Delivery Network CDN to improve user experience by making my pages load faster.  CloudFlare, I dare say, works much better. In short, CloudFlare is a security gate, slash CDN, slash cache, three-in-one.  And, best of all,  it’s a free service.  But is it really that good? Over the last two weeks I put both CloudFlare and CloudFront to the test, and here is my experience with CloudFlare and what I found. You may also want to read my newest review: CloudFlare versus Incapsula

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How to use Amazon Cloudfront as CDN

Catchy title, you say? It is a bit off-topic perhaps, but not really, and it does sound logistics related somehow, and actually it is. In fact,  it is about the supply chain of my blog, and how to ensure a timely and reliable delivery of my blog contents to each and every reader throughout the entire Internet. And while it has very little to do with most of what I usually write about, the similarities to real-world logistics are strikingly familiar, and thus worth mentioning. Indeed, there are some supply chain lessons in practice to be had here. That said, this blog post is perhaps of more use to my fellow blogging community than to my fellow supply chain community, so if you’re looking for some supply chain gems, you may skip reading this post. If you’re looking for some blogging gems, please read on.

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