Tag Archives: Cova Tom

Transportation Hazards

This is an updated and extended review of  the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz (editor) which I have reviewed in a previous post 4 years ago:  Book Review: The Handbook of Tranportation Engineering. While rummaging through references for a journal article I came across an old copy of the chapter on Transportation Engineering in the above book and to my surprise I discovered a recent acquaintance I had forgotten that I already had met 4 years ago: The risk definition by Kaplan & Garrick (1981). For supply chain risk researchers, this risk definition has it all.

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Book review: Handbook of Transportation Engineering

Comprehensive and all-encompassing, the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz (editor) may be way to much if road transportation, like in my case, is all you need. The authors are solid researchers in their field and some even personal acquaintances of mine. My particular interest in this book is the chapter on Transportation Hazards, written by Tom Cova and Steve Conger, a professor and fellow student who I met while studying at the UofU in Salt Lake City, Utah. Is it worth the hefty price? Yes.

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