Tag Archives: creative destruction

Book Review: Creative Destruction

Like with so many of my other recent book reviews I came across Nolan and Croson’s book, Creative Destruction: A Six-Stage Process for Transforming the Organization when researching my book chapter on risks in Virtual Enterprise Networks. This book triggered my interest when I became aware of the concept of “creative destruction”, where some businesses must die for others to be (re-)born. Popularized by Joseph Schumpeter, “creative destruction” is a concept that makes perfect sense to me.

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Book Review: How Nature Works

How Nature works is a fascinating book. I first heard of the late Per Bak and his sandpile theories when I some time back read an article by Koubatis and Schönberger (1995) on Risk management of complex critical systems. At that time I had just discovered the International Journal of Critical Infrastructure, and I was perusing their archives for articles I could use in my research on transportation vulnerability. Koubatis and Schönberger actually consider Per Bak’s “sandpile” model to be as relevant to business and society as Adam Smith’s legendary “invisible hand”. When I read that I was simply compelled to investigate more.

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