Blog Archives

Blog Review: Commitment Matters

Business relationships can make or break a company and Commitment Matters is a blog that will be of greatest interest to those who select, negotiate or manage relationships with trading partners – customers, suppliers, strategic alliances, teaming agreements or channels.

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SME: A supply chain risk?
Does having Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in your supply chain constitute an increased e[...]
Managing Disruption Risks in the Supply Chain - the DRISC model
It is not often that I find a PhD dissertation that is excellently written and a joy to read, keepin[...]
Can your business take a blow?
Are you prepared for whatever mishaps your business throws at you? If you're not, you better start l[...]
Jumpstart your VEN adventure
This is a terrific book. As you will know from my post  the other day, I am currently writing a boo[...]
Vulnerable or valuable supply chain?
More than a year old now, but still holding not so few words of wisdom is the Pricewaterhouse Cooper[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
from HERE and THERE
2010 - the year of catastrophe
It's Sunday and time for some weekend reflections, aka browsing the Internet for blogs and websites [...]
4th SCRM Seminar Barcelona 2012
This is an event that should not be missed: The 4th supply chain risk managment seminar in Barcelona[...]