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INSTR 2010 – Call for papers

The aim of INSTR is to bring together researchers and professionals interested in transportation network reliability, to discuss both recent research and future directions in this increasingly important field of research.

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International Transport Economics Conference 2009

The International Transport Economics Conference (ITrEC) 2009 will be held during June 15-16, 2009, at the University of Minnesota. If you haven’t already done so, make sure to bookmark this conference in your calendar.

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Disruptions in supply networks
Supply chain disturbances and supply chain disruptions. Not the same and very different from each ot[...]
Less supply chain disruptions with vendor managed inventory?
How does a traditional supply chain compare to a vendor managed inventory supply chain when it comes[...]
SME Risk Management
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up the majority of enterprises in most countries, and[...]
Book Review: HBR on Crisis Management
Close calls and near misses are not unusual in the business world, but how do companies deal with th[...]
Supply Chain Security
Today's supply chains circle the globe and form the backbone of world trade and a are major factor i[...]
Highway Vulnerability and Criticality Assessment
Transportation vulnerability and resilience have been the focus of this blog for the past two days, [...]
from HERE and THERE
Cutting costs or cutting risks?
One of the blogs I like to browse from time to time, particularly when looking for topics related to[...]
Supply chain disruptions by pirates
Yesterday I cited the press release of the Norwegian shipping company Odfjell, which no longer will [...]