Tag Archives: economic recession

Supply chain disruption risk on the rise

Global supply chains are increasingly becoming more vulnerable to potential disruption to trade, says Aon, one of the world’s leading providers of risk management services, insurance and reinsurance brokerage. Every year, Aon publishes a political risk map, and in 2009 the number of countries tagged with ‘supply chain vulnerability’  has increased from 38 to 54 due to risks ranging from government embargo or interference with a supplier through to strikes, terrorism and sabotage.

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Fewer suppliers mean fewer choices for consumers

The financial crisis has created an supply chain crisis, says The Economist. As demand for cheap goods from China collapses in the West, one by one Chinese manufacturers go bust, which means that many companies are left without suppliers. What used to be a banking crisis is now a manufacturing crisis and may soon be a supplier crisis.

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Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?

Supply chain disruption – a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppliers are exposed to the risks of disruption in their supply chain. But the extent and complexity of current global supply chains mean that the problem of supply chain management is not limited to a single enterprise or industry: even a relatively small supply chain disruption caused by a global risk event may ultimately have consequences across the global economic system.

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