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Food commodity supply chains at risk?

Have the prices gone up at your local supermarket recently? Maybe your favorite chocolate is suddenly a lot more expensive? Do you wonder why? You may not think much about it, but the bigger picture that lays behind is grim-looking, to say the least.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Black Swan Events
Black Swan events - should we even bother? The October issue of the Harvard Business Review had a sp[...]
Supply chain vulnerability and resilience
Today's post is a review of a conference paper written by Francesco Longo and Tuncer Ören in 2008 an[...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Security
One of my readers suggested this book to me via  a comment on my supply chain literature list pages[...]
Appetite versus Attitude
Finally, and long overdue, another review in the Gower Short Guide to Business Risk book series. Thi[...]
28 Global Risks in 2015
The  World Economic Forum Global Risks Reports. I first came across them in 2008, when the hyperopti[...]
A risky business? The top 10 challenges of offshoring
Organisations embarking on offshoring face multiple challenges; many of which can be extremely daunt[...]
from HERE and THERE
Customs Research meets Customs Practice
Customs. A real hassle and a nuisance at times, but also a necessary evil in international trade. "E[...]
Sparse transportation networks and disruptions
The vulnerability of the transportation network as part of the supply chain is of particular interes[...]