Blog Archives

Taleb, Hamel, Holling…and I

I really should no longer be so surprised that my idea of how to differ robustness from flexibility from agility from resilience resonates with quite a number of people, including Si Alhir.

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Supply Chain Risk: Invasive Species
With 90% of world trade carried by sea, the global network of ships criss-crossing the oceans provid[...]
Call for papers: S-D Logic and Supply Chain Risk
Is supply chain risk is now beginning to enter more and more areas of  supply chain thinking? It wou[...]
Book Review: HBR on Supply Chain Management
Today we continue my exploration of the Harvard Business Review Paperback Series that I started yes[...]
Book Review: Customs Risk
International trade and global supply chains are filled with goods that are criss-crossing the globe[...]
Assess the vulnerability of your production system
So far I have reviewed "international" literature and web sites, and it is only fitting that now it [...]
Creating the resilient supply chain
This blog is about supply chain risk, business continuity and transport vulnerability, and while I h[...]
from HERE and THERE
Cutting back on road spending may not be wise
In an article today, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet revealed that Statens Vegvesen (or the Norweg[...]
Point merge - the latest in aviation logistics
I've been travelling this week, which is why there haven't been any posts for a while, and on my tri[...]