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Near-shoring – less risk?

The current slowdown in China is due to “near-shoring,” the practice of producing closer to the customer, and NOT as many economists would say, due to a looming economic crisis in China. True?

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Online journals - curse or blessing?
A year ago or so I was perusing the Internet for scholarly or academic blogs, which I found, comment[...]
Global supply chain risk management strategies
A case of mistaken identity, or so I thought, but it's not. There are in fact two separate articles,[...]
Book review: GIS for Transportation
Having been a student with Harvey Miller at the University of Utah 2000-2002 probably makes my revie[...]
Book Review: Humanitarian Logistics
Summer break is over and time for a continuation of my blog posts. Humanitarian Logistics by Ronaldo[...]
Saving Norway's crumbling infrastructure
NTP 2010-2019
Following up my post this morning called "D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure", the numbers [...]
Supply chain disruption risk on the rise
Global supply chains are increasingly becoming more vulnerable to potential disruption to trade, say[...]
from HERE and THERE
Three steps to make your supply chain less vulnerable
Some time ago, Jeff Karrenbauer, CEO of Insight Inc., a top international provider of supply chain p[...]
The use of air photos in emergency management
There are a surprisingly large number of applications of air photos in emergency management. These r[...]