Blog Archives

ISCRIM – so much catching up

ISCRIM – 4 years ago it was a very big part of this blog. But – I haven’t completely left supply chain risk territory; rather I’m like standing at the top of the pyramid in Helen Peck’s 2005 article on Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, risk and supply chain management.

Posted in THIS and THAT

The ISCRiM Newsletter

Are you looking for the latest in supply chain risk research? The ISCRiM Newsletter is filled to the brim with exciting news and links that a researcher in supply chain risk ought to be aware of. It’s a who’s who and what’s what in supply chain risk management. Not to be missed.

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ISCRiM 2010 Proceedings

Two weeks ago I attended the ISCRiM 201o seminar at Loughborough University, a gathering of some of the finest researchers in supply chain risk. I am honored and inspired to be part of this.

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Supply Chain Risk Insights

Set up by Zurich Insurance, the website is aimed at helping senior managers and directors in finance, supply chain, operations and risk develop a deeper understanding of the tactical considerations and strategic approaches to minimize impacts of disruptions to the supply chain.

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ISCRiM 2010

I am currently attending the 2010 seminar of the International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRIM) here in the UK. I feel honored to have been invited into this distinguished circle of academics and professionals, and to have the opportunity to present some of my own research.

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The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2010

Published 2-3 times a year by the International Supply Chain Risk Management Network, the ISCRiM newsletter has the latest on published articles, research reports, PhD theses, weblinks, and some buzz from the people who work with supply chain risk research for a living.

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The ISCRiM Newsletter 2/2009

As a researcher within supply chain risk, I find the ISCRiM Newsletters a valuable source of information, particularily for academia-related news on recent papers, books, conferences, dissertations and theses, job openings, ongoing research projects and whatever else.

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The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2009

As a researcher within supply chain risk, I find the ISCRiM Newsletters a valuable source of information, particularily for academia-related news. The International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRiM) is a network of academians interested in how to handle different types of risks in the supply chain. The main purpose of the ISCRIM-network is to speed up, and improve, the research within “Supply Chain Risk Management”

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Managing Disruption Risks in the Supply Chain – the DRISC model

The Disruption Risks in Supply Chain (DRISC) model is developed for investigating all kinds of disruptions that can potentially occur in the supply chain flow along the way from raw material to finished product.

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Book Review: Supply Chain Risk

The primary purpose of this book is to collect and share various streams of research and trends in supply chain risk, predominantly from the ISCRIM (International Supply Chain Risk Management) network.

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International Supply Chain Risk Management

The International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRIM) is a network of academics interested in how to handle different types of risks in the supply chain. The main purpose of the ISCRIM-network is to speed up, and improve, the research within “Supply Chain Risk Management”.

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Book Review: Supply Chain Risk

This book contains 11 chapters written by 11 different authors, each exploring 11 different supply chain contexts and thus 11 different views on supply chain risks and offering 11 different research frameworks, techniques and practices. The book fully shows that supply chain risk management is a wide field, and thus empirically challenging, with many concepts to be explored.

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Single, sole, dual, multiple sourcing?
Old classics never die. While some papers are written, published and quickly forgotten (because no o[...]
The Catch 22 of Academic Publishing
"Publish or perish". You've heard the phrase, right? Well, apparently, getting published in the firs[...]
Book Review: Supply Chain Risk Management
This excellent book by Donald Waters, Supply Chain Risk Management: Vulnerability and Resilience in [...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Resilience in the Supply Chain
This book is a gem. To me. Where Helen Peck in her article Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, r[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
Highway Vulnerability and Criticality Assessment
Transportation vulnerability and resilience have been the focus of this blog for the past two days, [...]
from HERE and THERE
CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference
The phrase "Supply chains compete, not companies" was coined by Martin Christopher, and it is a fitt[...]
The BBC box
I usually watch the BBC World Business Report every morning and today I learned that BBC News is fol[...]