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Operational Excellence – or not

Operational excellence or OpEx for short, what does that imply? A webinar on Top 5 OpEx Success Strategies will help you become more successful, using Lean and OpEx to enable and accelerate business growth.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Risks in maritime supply chains
Globalization and international trade is heavily reliant on safe and open waterways. Sea transport c[...]
Corporate Social Responsibility
How far does corporate social responsibility go? While corporate social responsibility looks good on[...]
Book Review: Your Research Project
This book is a must-have for any serious student or budding research. Even if you consider yourself [...]
Book Review: HBR on Supply Chain Management
Today we continue my exploration of the Harvard Business Review Paperback Series that I started yes[...]
The Benefits of Investing in Supply Chain Security
With the memory of attacks by Somali pirates still fresh in mind, supply chain security has come to [...]
28 Global Risks in 2015
The  World Economic Forum Global Risks Reports. I first came across them in 2008, when the hyperopti[...]
from HERE and THERE
Can you outsource risk?
While China has taken steps to address safety concerns after the recalls of last year, yet small pl[...]
Transportation reliability and vulnerability
This is a philosophical essay on transportation vulnerability, where three fields or subjects are br[...]