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Supply Chain Performance Metrics

Many business decisions are made as supply chain decisions, but many supply chain managers are perhaps not fully aware of how the supply chain metrics they juggle in their day to day operations impact the overall financial performance of they company they work for.

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Balanced Scorecards for Supply Chains

Can balanced scorecards help assess your supply chain vulnerability or your exposure to supply chain disruptions? Maybe. Have you ever thought about how barcodes are a major factor in performance of supply chains? How can you keep track of all the items flowing through the supply chain?Using a barcode scanner and inventory control software it is easy to check where any item is at any given moment.

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Structural embeddedness and the extended supply chain
The other day, while reviewing a chapter for inclusion (or not) in the upcoming book Managing Risk i[...]
Risky ramblings
Why such a title for today's post? The abstract of the 2004 article Risky business: Expanding the di[...]
Jumpstart your VEN adventure
This is a terrific book. As you will know from my post  the other day, I am currently writing a boo[...]
Transportation Hazards
This is an updated and extended review of  the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz ([...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
The Benefits of Investing in Supply Chain Security
With the memory of attacks by Somali pirates still fresh in mind, supply chain security has come to [...]
from HERE and THERE
Why risk is the buzzword in supply chain management
A new field has emerged with the field of supply chain mangement. It's called supply chain risk. Wha[...]
MITIP2009 – a conference worth considering
The purpose of the Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enter[...]