Tag Archives: key performance indicators

Supply Chain Performance Metrics

Financial key performance indicators are valuable because they capture the economic consequences of business decisions. Many of these business decisions are made as supply chain decisions, but many supply chain managers are perhaps not fully aware of how the supply chain metrics they juggle in their day to day operations impact the overall financial performance of they company they work in or work for, say, in the case of 3PL outsourcing. That is the topic of Linking Supply Chain Performance to a Firm’s Financial Performance, a recent article in the Supply Chain Management Review, where Priscilla Wisner, distinguished lecturer at the University of Tennessee, describes the “language of business” and how supply chain mangers can link their performance measure to business performance measures.

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Balanced Scorecards for Supply Chains

Can balanced scorecards help assess your supply chain vulnerability or your exposure to supply chain disruptions? Maybe. This article will take a closer look at how balanced scorecards can assist in measuring the performance of manufacturing facilities, warehouses and delivery services from various viewpoints, including customer satisfaction and financial information, giving key manager key performance indicators.

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