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MITIP 2011 in Trondheim, Norway

The 13th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises, MITIP 2011, will take place 22 June – 24 June 2011, in Trondheim, Norway.

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What goes into resilience?
 Resilience. That seems to be the buzzword these days. It seems to be making its way not only around[...]
Resilience X 10
Transport network resilience has 10 properties. So says Pamela Murray-Tuite in her 2006 article A Co[...]
Book Review: Political Risk
Egypt is in crisis. After Tunisia, now Egypt is rocked by a popular uprising, and the outcome of the[...]
Published. Not perished.
Publish or perish? Publish. It has taken its time, but finally it is there, the book that has my cha[...]
The UK Transport Network Resilience...and I
UK Transport Network Resilience
For a budding and even for a seasoned researcher, nothing is more rewarding than to have one's publi[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
from HERE and THERE
International Transport Economics Conference 2009
If you haven't already done so, make sure to bookmark this conference in your calendar. The Internat[...]
The worst roads in the world's richest country
It is a perpetual topic with the Norwegian public, particularly in election years, like this year: W[...]