Tag Archives: nofoma

CALL for Papers: NOFOMA 2011

NOFOMA is the network of Nordic researchers within the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and each year they host a conference on the latest research in logistics and supply chain management. NOFOMA 2011 will be hosted in Harstad, Norway, June 9-10, 2011.  It may be a bit early, but the deadline for paper submission is only some two months away. While supply chain risk issues are not mentioned as a particular topic in the call for papers, I am sure that logistics risks and related subjects will be covered nonetheless. I have many times considered submitting a paper, and maybe this time, since the conference is on home turf, I should really do it. So, what are the hot trends for logistics and supply chain management research in 2011?

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The latest trends in logistics and SCM research

What is at the forefront of current research in supply chain management and logistics right now? I know, thanks to to Gyöngi Kovács at interorganisational.org, who attended the NOFOMA 2009 conference a couple of days ago. At the conference, Emerald, one of the world’s leading publishers of management journals, presented some statistics on which articles that were most downloaded from their online journals during the first quarter of 2009. Update: To read what the latest trends are in 2011 and which forces that are expected to be a major trend towards 2020, please see my post on Future Value Chains and Strategies for 2020.

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NOFOMA – The Nordic Logistics Research Network

The Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) is a network of Nordic researchers within the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Why haven’t I heard about this before…stupid me! It’s amazing how one can be a researcher in a certain field without being aware of the most obvious network one should join. If I had known this I could have made many connections already.

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The Nordic approach to Logistics and Supply Chain Management?

Is there such a thing as a typically Nordic way of thinking within the field of Supply Chain Management? A new book is out, trying to answer that question: Northern Lights in Logistics & Supply Chain Management by Jan Stentoft Arlbjørn, Árni Halldórsson, Marianne Jahre, Karen Spens (eds.).  I came across this book while doing some Google searches on supply chain risk, ending up on www.interorgainisational.org, a site run by two university professors, Gyöngyi Kovács and Arni Halldorsson, and dedicated to showing a different side of logistics than the pure business and money focus it usually has. Halldorson is also a contributor to the book.

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