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Trade compliance risks

This webinar – in German – takes a closer look at the risks and pitfalls involved in trading across borders, and in particular how non-compliance with trade and regulations can severely hamper supply chain operations.

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Maritime Vulnerability
Maritime transport is a vital backbone of today's global and complex supply chains. Unfortunately, t[...]
Flexing your SCM muscles
A supply chain is never stronger than its weakest link, and that (having a weak link) is perhaps the[...]
Transportation Hazards
This is an updated and extended review of  the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz ([...]
Supply Chain Risk - the forgotten discipline
No, it's not that supply chain risk is a forgotten discipline, it' is well and alive an kicking, it'[...]
A Decade of Living Dangerously
Do you remember the movie The Year of Living Dangerously with Mel Gibson? Topically unrelated maybe,[...]
Global Risks 2009 - Countries at risk?
How will the current financial downturn affect supply chains? That's what we all wonder about, isn't[...]
from HERE and THERE
Secure Supply Chain Collaboration
Slightly outside the scope of this blog, which deals more with the management side of supply chain r[...]
ArcView Network Analyst Tutorial
The ArcView Network Analyst (AVNA is extension module for ArcView GIS. This tutorial was developed b[...]