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Trade compliance risks

This webinar – in German – takes a closer look at the risks and pitfalls involved in trading across borders, and in particular how non-compliance with trade and regulations can severely hamper supply chain operations.

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Robust, Resilient and Secure
Antagonistic threats against supply chains are a special and limited array of risks and uncertaintie[...]
Cross-border supply chains
What are the main change and trend drivers for international supply chains? How will future cross-bo[...]
Supply Chain Risk - the forgotten discipline
No, it's not that supply chain risk is a forgotten discipline, it' is well and alive an kicking, it'[...]
Business Continuity in Global Supply Chains
Business Continuity is a crucial ingredient of supply chain management. At the same time, implementi[...]
How New Zealand develops resilient organisations
Is New Zealand better prepared for a disaster than other countries? As our infrastructure and organi[...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
from HERE and THERE
Time is precious
Swiss Railway Watch
Time.  A highly valued asset in much of supply chain management and logistics operations. Time matte[...]
Practical Supply Chain Risk Management
Every once in while I come across articles written by leaders in the industry. that catch my attenti[...]