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The European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit

In the current financial downturn what should be – or what will be – on the mind of supply chain and logistics executives in the months and years ahead? The SCLEurope 2009 is a great place to find out about just that.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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What kind of Supplychainist are you?
With an ever-increasing number of companies outsourcing all non-core activities and  manufacturing t[...]
Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Finally it appears that someone has developed an easy, hands-on, not-so-academic and straightforward[...]
Book review: Supply Chain Risk Management
Edited by Robert B. Handfield, the book Supply Chain Risk Management: Minimizing Disruptions in Glob[...]
Low Cost Country Sourcing
Low-cost countries. A dream for some and a nightmare for other others. What are typical supply chain[...]
Risk management - Vocabulary
What is risk management in supply chains? The more I study supply chain risk management, the more co[...]
Infrastructure - essential for competitiveness?
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed my regular rants about the state of the Norwegian infr[...]
from HERE and THERE
Cost-Benefit Analysis – an essay about valuation problems
This paper introduces vulnerability as an important parameter for decision-support in cost-benefit a[...]
Supply chains compete, not companies
"Supply chains compete, not companies" is the motto on Martin Christopher's web site, www.martin-chr[...]