Blog Archives

How to get a PhD without a dissertation

This is a true story about how I was credited with a PhD without having one, just because someone mistook one of the posts on this blog to be my PhD. And anyone looking up my work after reading that article now thinks I really have a PhD.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Visualizing the risk of global sourcing
The benefits of global sourcing as part of a firm’s purchasing strategy have been widely discussed i[...]
Risk Management: Contingent versus Mitigative
The risk management literature separates between mitigative actions or strategies and contingent act[...]
Book review: Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application
I really enjoyed reading Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application by Tefvik Nas.  I used this b[...]
Book Review: The Resilient Enterprise
To me, this book by Yossi Sheffi was an eye-opener, not so much for it's academic value, but for it'[...]
Assess the vulnerability of your production system
So far I have reviewed "international" literature and web sites, and it is only fitting that now it [...]
Global Risks 2012
Are economic imbalances and social inequality risk reversing the gains of globalization? Should we s[...]
from HERE and THERE
Robustness, flexibility and resilience
In a previous paper, back in 2004, I discussed the issue of Flexibility and robustness as options to[...]
Why we need to think the unthinkable
Immediately after September 11, 2001, "critical infrastructure" and "vulnerability" seemed to be the[...]