Blog Archives

The Supply Chain Network Project

Do you want to keep in touch with all aspects of the global supply chain network? SCN is a network of people, a network of ideas and information, a means for designing, building, improving and managing your physical network and a source for services to facilitate your network.

Posted in BLOGS and WEBSITES
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Should you join the Supply Chain Network SCN?

From a quick browse before making this post I realized there are quite a number of highly qualified and merited members, which most certainly will help me keep up to date the latest in Supply Chain Management.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Supply Chain Risk Management - A relationship approach
I could have just re-used the title on my post on risks in supply networks from a couple days ago an[...]
The six ways of dealing with risk
Classic risk management literature acknowledges four ways of dealing with risk after establishing a [...]
Book Review: HBR on Crisis Management
Close calls and near misses are not unusual in the business world, but how do companies deal with th[...]
Book Review: Heads in the sand
Finally, after 5 days of volcanic ash cloud posting, I can return to my regular topics of supply cha[...]
Highway Vulnerability and Criticality Assessment
Transportation vulnerability and resilience have been the focus of this blog for the past two days, [...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
from HERE and THERE
3rd Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar 2011
Finally, here it is, the 3rd Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar 2011 to be held in Barcelona, Spai[...]
Can Somali pirates bring down supply chains?
The BBC news this morning ran an interesting and worrying story: Shipping companies are considering [...]