Tag Archives: Thomas David

State of the art in SCRM?

A severe supply chain disruption has hit my own blog: More than a month without a post. It’s not that there is so little to write about, it’s just that there is so little time to do it, which is why I’ve decided to reurn to a once weekly posing schedule. Nonetheless, what better occasion could there be to resume my posting than the discovery of an article proclaiming to provide a review of the state of the art in supply chain risk management? The literature review and conceptual framework developed by Hans-Christian Pfohl, Holger Köhler and David Thomas clearly identifies the main principles of SCRM and develops a framework and definitions for disturbance, disruption, security, resilience and risk. Supply chain risk management, so they say, is a process with evolutionary steps, involving no less than 17 underlying principles. Phew…

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