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Supply Chain Risk Insights

Set up by Zurich Insurance, the website is aimed at helping senior managers and directors in finance, supply chain, operations and risk develop a deeper understanding of the tactical considerations and strategic approaches to minimize impacts of disruptions to the supply chain.

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Structural embeddedness and the extended supply chain
The other day, while reviewing a chapter for inclusion (or not) in the upcoming book Managing Risk i[...]
Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Finally it appears that someone has developed an easy, hands-on, not-so-academic and straightforward[...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Resilience in the Supply Chain
This book is a gem. To me. Where Helen Peck in her article Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, r[...]
Risk Management in Global Supply Chain Networks
Supply Chain Risks can be classified as either one of these three, Deviation, Disruption or Disaster[...]
Supply chain disruption risk on the rise
Global supply chains are increasingly becoming more vulnerable to potential disruption to trade, say[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
from HERE and THERE
Google Scholar - really scholarly?
No thumbnail available
Remember my previous post on Online Journals – curse or blessing? Here’s another take on the issue o[...]
Location, location, location
Albeit many supply chains make use of more than one, if not all modes of transport, the vulnerabilit[...]