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Supply Chain Performance Metrics

Many business decisions are made as supply chain decisions, but many supply chain managers are perhaps not fully aware of how the supply chain metrics they juggle in their day to day operations impact the overall financial performance of they company they work for.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Does product design impact supply chain risk?
Is it possible that supply chain risk is a result of unfortunate product design? Is it possible that[...]
Supply Chain Risk: Product Design Changes
Supply Chain Risk Management has emerged as an important source of competitive advantage and an effe[...]
Book Review: The Resilient Enterprise
To me, this book by Yossi Sheffi was an eye-opener, not so much for it's academic value, but for it'[...]
Supply Chain Nirvana
Is there something like a Supply Chain Nirvana, where it all comes together and where a firm's suppl[...]
Will Climate Change have an impact on transportation?
Many studies have already examined the potential impacts of climate change on broad sectors of the e[...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
from HERE and THERE
Building the resilient supply chain
Supply chain risk seems to be on everyone's agenda these days, with one event after the other compet[...]
Hard Drive Recovery and Business Continuity
Having access to the most up-to-date business information is vital to any business. That is why you [...]