NOFOMA – The Nordic Logistics Research Network

The Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) is a network of Nordic researchers within the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Why haven’t I heard about this before…stupid me! It’s amazing how one can be a researcher in a certain field without being aware of the most obvious network one should join. If I had known this I could have made many connections already.


The aim of NOFOMA is to contribute to the continuous improvement and further development of Nordic logistics research and researchers. Researchers belonging to the NOFOMA network are mainly from the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The main activities of the network include:

  • The Annual NOFOMA Conference on logistics research.
  • The Nordlog Doctoral Symposium focusing on issues of particular relevance to Doctoral students. This event takes place in connection with the annual conference.
  • The NOFOMA Educators Conference focusing on issues of particular interest to teaching and education. This event takes place in connection with the annual conference.
  • The Joint-Nordic PhD Program in Logistics.

Unfortunately this Annual Conference takes place in June, so I missed this year, but next year I most certainly plan to attend.

If you want to join up, it’s free; there’s no membership fee. Read more about NOFOMA on the NOFOMA home page.




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