Conferences in Transportation and Supply Chain

Looking for a list of conferences in supply chain and transportation-related topics? By accident, I came across a list on a website called Not only does it feature calls for papers for conferences, but also calls for papers for academic journals, complete with abstract or paper submission deadline. This makes it easy to select which one is next in line. The list is continuously updated, and although the website owner claims that they only “occasionally” upload call-for-papers, course announcements, open positions, etc., as far as I can see, the list is very complete.

The website itself,, is also worthwhile spending some time at. It is run by Arni Halldorsson, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Southampton, and Gyöngyi Kovács, an Assistant Professor in Supply Chain Management and Corporate Geography at the HANKEN School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. While Halldorsson’s specializes in managerial problems that relate to inter-organisational relationships, Kovács’s has a penchant for corporate environmental and social responsibility in supply chains, industrial ecology, and humanitarian logistics.

On a final note, I should mention that since January 2008, Gyöngyi has served as a regional editor of the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. Halldorsson has also contributed to the book Northern Lights in Logistics & Supply Chain Management that was published earlier this year.

Read more – The Wall (a list of conferences and other announcements)

Update: As of March 2015 is no longer working

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