Risky Thinking

This is a reciprocal gesture towards Michael Z. Bell, who is kind enough to list me in the blogroll on his Risky Thinking blog, as I just found out the other day. Michael is a Business Continuity consultant currently based in Ottawa, Canada, and his business website (and blog) presents current information and opinions on business continuity, disaster recovery, risk assessment, and business impact analysis. riskythinking.com contains many articles on Business Continuity and Risk Management. Obviously I cannot make a post on my blog about every website that lists me one way or the other, but this one of the more interesting websites I have seen lately.

About riskythinking.com

Obviously I cannot make a post on my blog about every wbsite that lists me one way or the other, but this one of the more interesting websites I have seen lately. Here you will find:

  • Original articles on Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Risk Management
  • Useful Business Continuity Resources, such as a BCP/BCM glossary

You will also find information on:

  • Business Continuity Seminars
  • Business Continuity Software
  • Business Continuity Consulting Services

And let’s not forget the

Insights and anecdotes

In one of his recent articles Bell looks at what lesson and insights that can be learned from Mumbai:

The tragic events in Mumbai are rapidly disappearing over the world’s news event horizon. Often the only positive feature of any tragedy is to ask what lessons can be learned from it. What lessons can be learned by business continuity planners from the terrorist attacks in Mumbai?

Read the full article

Bell also posts some anecdotes and personal observations from his business life:

A modern emergency notification system is a wonderful thing and is truly an essential element of any reasonable business continuity plan and I’d been asked by a client to sit in on presentations by a number of companies that were selling emergency notification systems and to advise on which would meet their requirements. The customer wanted an Emergency Notification System. The vendor was selling an Emergency Notification System. But why was this presentation a waste of everybody’s time?

Find the answer here



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