The Grapevine – An evolving social media experiment

grapevine-comThanks to my LinkedIn connection with Jeff Ashcroft of  the SupplyChainNetwork I was made aware of a new site: The Grapevine – An evolving social media experiment, promising access to free international publications and white papers no matter what your location in the world“. Duh…or worthwhile? Well, so I had to check this out, and as it turns out, not too bad. At least they do have a section on transportation and logistics.

The Grapevine

The Grapevine presents itself as

… a site dedicated to making it easy for business people to understand and access social media tools that can help them improve their business. We do this through educational tutorials, articles, presentations and finally a number of tools that they can apply rapidly in a concrete manner to achieve positive results…

So much for their advertising, but can it hold up on close scrutiny?

Transportation and Logistics

For what it’s worth, for the supply chain community, they do have a section on Transportation and Logistics, and also a related section on Purchasing and Procurement. There are white papers and trade journals spanning everything form lean manufacturing to buses and coaches, among many other things.

The verdict

On first glance it looks worthwhile, although a profusion of Google Ads and small design glitches takes some points of my final score: 6/10. It will be interesting to follow this site and see where its headed; but as a solid source of information? Nah…


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