MITIP 2010 – Call for Papers

mitip2010For several years, when it comes to ICT-driven innovation and production, the MITIP conferences have proven to be an important forum for researchers from academia and industry to present the results of their work, and to inspire a creative dialogue between the industry and the academic world. Having presented MITIP 2009 on this blog previously, time has now come for MITIP 2010, the 12th International Conference on The Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. This time the conference is much closer to home (for me), at Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark, 30-31 August 2010. And being on the scientific committee for this conference it is my pleasure to circulate this call for papers within my network, and what better way is there than to do it on my blog?

MITIP 2010

The theme of MITIP is Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enterprises. As such the conference lists  a wide range of topics, and serves as

a forum for the dissemination of ideas, knowledge and experiences about the ICT-driven innovation in industrial products, processes and services. The conference is targeted to scholars and practitioners involved in research activities focusing on the role of ICT in modern industrial enterprises.

MITIP 2010 envisions these “themes” as the conference topics:

  • New Business Models
  • Sustainability and Green Initiatives
  • Design, Innovation and Management
  • Product Lifecycle Management and Lifecycle Costing
  • RFID, Mobile Devices and Internet of Things
  • Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Planning, Scheduling and Optimisation
  • Warehousing and Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Business Intelligence and Value Chain Diagnostics
  • IT Integration, Architectures and Reference Models
  • Human Factors, Education and Training

As a basic principle, the conference topics are both of theoretical and practical pertinence. MITIP 2009 featured a track for supply chain risk, albeit very few papers were presented on that topic, which is probably why they omitted it for this year’s conference. A shame, I would say, but maybe my own fault, since I was supposed to present a paper on risk in virtual enterprise networks at MITIP2009, but had to withdraw from the conference at the last minute due to private matters.


MITIP 2010 is organized by the Centre for Logistics with the Department of Production at Aalborg University. The Centre for Logistics focuses mainly on

  • Improvement of logistics performance in companies
  • Improvement of logistic collaboration among supply chain partners
  • Green Logistics

The point of contact for the conference is Hans-Henrik Hvolby.

Paper submission

The deadline for paper submission is April 15th, 2010, see the author guidelines for MITIP 2010 for more information.

Conference website

  • MITIP 2010
  • Conference flyer (pdf)


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