A note to my readers

I’m sorry for not posting here as frequently as I perhaps should. I’m moving house and I’ve been renovating my new apartment every day after work for the past two weeks, leaving little time for much else besides work than a few hours of well-deserved and highly-needed sleep. It has been a learning experience, finding new DIY-skills I did not know I had, but also discovering the lack of same skills I thought I did have. It has also taught me about making sure I have the right tools for the job, and that improvising or using makeshift tools isn’t going to do the job right.

There is a reason why DIY stores have such a vast array of tools for every imaginable task – you really need them. Although…while a carpenter might need that special tool every day, I only need it once, which makes it a highly expensive investment that is just wasted. Nonetheless, with the learning that has come from the successes and failures of doing my own renovation I know have enough knowledge for my next renovation, should the need arise again.

I still have plenty of work to do, but I hope to resume my regular posting within the next days.

Posted in my BLOGGING

Supply Chain Risk Management: A Neural Network Approach
I found a very interesting article by Frank Teuteberg in Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Even[...]
Less supply chain disruptions with vendor managed inventory?
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Book Review: Supply Chain Risk
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Book Review: Logistics Management and Strategy
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Stemming the rising tide
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Supply Chain Security
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