Call for papers: Humanitarian Logistics

Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain ManagementWith resilience as one the main themes for this blog, from time to time I have written posts on disaster management and humanitarian logistics. Now there is a new source for knowledge on these matters, the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (JHLSCM). The journal is targeted at academics and practitioners in humanitarian public and private sector organizations working on all aspects of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management. Actually, the journal is not there yet, since the first issue is planned for 2011. However, the first call for papers has just been announced. 

A new source for my blog

Recent examples of posts on this blog on humanitarian supply chains are  community resilience in times of disaster, showing how public-private partnerships can improve the recovery after a disaster, or managing supply chains in times of disaster, a review of journal articles related to supply chains and disasters. Starting 2011, I can look forward to the JHLSCM as a steady supplier of material for my blog.

I learned about this new journal from a post on, a blog I visit on a regular basis. It is not surprising to see this sort of journal to spring from Gyöngyi Kovács, the co-owner of and the head of HUMLOG, a Finland-based international research network on humanitarian logistics. Many posts on this blog were inspired by a short note on, such as my most popular post, the latest trends in logistics and supply chain management, viewed more than 4000 times since its conception 9 months ago (no pun intended).

JHLSCM Editorial Team

Gyöngyi Kovács is now co-editor of  the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, together with Karens Spens, both from the Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. The editorial team of JHLSCM consists of many notable scholars that have had articles reviewed on this blog, e.g. Anthony Beresford, Martin Christopher, Daniel Ekwall, Paul Larson, Richard Oloruntoba, and Stephen Pettit, to mention but a few.


The scope of the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management appears to be quite broad, as it includes

  • Humanitarian logistics
  • Emergency logistics
  • Disaster relief operations
  • Supply chain management in disaster relief
  • Development aid logistics and supply chain management
  • Assessing and managing supply chain vulnerability
  • Managing supply chain disruptions
  • Measuring performance in humanitarian supply chains
  • Decision-making in humanitarian supply chains
  • Knowledge management and transfer in humanitarian supply chains
  • Information and communication technology for humanitarian logistics
  • Supply chain co-operation, integration and collaboration in the humanitarian setting
  • Relationship management in humanitarian supply chains
  • Public-private partnerships in humanitarian logistics
  • Inter-organisational co-ordination across humanitarian supply chains
  • Crisis management
  • Civil-military co-operation in disaster relief
  • Humanitarian health care supply chains
  • Principles and theory of relief supply chain management
  • The role of donors and volunteers in humanitarian logistics
  • Not-for-profit supply chains.

and which will make for a wide range of different papers, in both quantitative and qualitative research on

Call for papers

Given that this is the very first issue, and the broad scope of the journal, the call for papers is very generic, simply inviting authors to submit a paper. The above list does feature “managing supply chain disruptions, so maybe I should try my luck and see?


From what I can see, it looks like a promising journal to come, publishing state of the art research in the field of humanitarian and development aid logistics and supply chain management, and I look forward to reading the first issue.



Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

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