The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2010

If you are a researcher, a student, a professor and if you have an academic interest in Supply Chain Risk Management or if you simply would like to know the latest research that is going on in this exciting field, the ISCRiM Newsletter is an indispensable resource. Published 2-3 times a year by the International Supply Chain Risk Management Network the newsletter has the latest on published articles, research reports, PhD theses, weblinks, and some buzz from the people who work with supply chain risk research for a living.

I must have been busy

The most recent issue is dated March 2010, and normally I would have posted it on my blog  months ago, but somehow I simply forgot, as it was buried more and more under layers of incoming mail. Nonetheless, as the newsletter is available by subscription only, many of my readers will not have seen or heard of it, so let me reiterate some of the highlights.

Highlights in this issue

Some of the papers have already been reviewed on this blog, just follow the links:


Interesting Internet Links

Incredibly, here I find this:

Jan Husdal,
Many interesting article and book reviews within the field of supply chain risks.

Geez…I missed this one. If ISCRiM thinks I’m good, I must be doing something right on this blog, and that should cure the writer’s block I wrote about yesterday, shouldn’t it? Besides, I was indeed invited to the 10th International Research Seminar on Supply Chain Risk Management at Loughborough University, Loughborough, England, UK. 6 – 7 September 2010. This is the annual gathering of the ISCRiM network, open only to members and invited guests, so needless to say, I do feel honored and privileged to attend. A short report from the seminar will be posted on this blog in due time.



The ISCRiM is a network of academians interested in how to handle different types of risks in the supply chain. The main purpose of the ISCRiM-network is to speed up, and improve, the research within “Supply Chain Risk Management”. For information on how to subscribe to the newsletter, download old issues, or how to contact ISCRiM, please visit the ISCRiM website.

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