Supply Chain Risk 2010

What is supply chain risk? What are typical supply chain risks? This is the 2010 version of my lecture on Supply Chain Risk for the MSc in Supply Chain Management and Industrial Logistics at Molde University College, Norway, held today, and this is the third consecutive year that I am giving this lecture. The lecture is meant to highlight some of the current literature on supply chain risk and to suggest further reading materials. You will not know everything there is to know about supply chain risk after the lecture, but you will know where to find it. Each year the lecture is improved from the previous year, and while the main topics are the same, there are always new things I include, so even if you have seen the 2008 lecture and the 2009 lecture on supply chain risk, this year’s is very different…again.

The lecture slides

New for 2010: New insights and new risks


2010 provided me with a couple of new insights as to supply chain risk:

  • The impact of the volcanic ash cloud on air freight in April is something I could not have left out, let alone the bombs on US cargo planes in October.
  • The classic demise of Ericsson as the once leading mobile phone company is underscored by including Hendricks and Singhal (2003) The effect of supply chain glitches on shareholder wealth.
  • The issue of risk and uncertainty in Aven (2007) is briefly mentioned
  • I aligned my risk definition as described in ISO 28002.
  • I found place for Mitul Shah’s concept of calculating the Value-at-Risk
  • Some references have been updated and revised, and I managed to slip in both my presentation at WCTR 2010 and at ISCRIM 2010.
  • Finally I included a new video with Richard Wilding from the University of Cranfield. The video is perhaps not so supply chain risk related, but nonetheless an important reminder of how supply chain collaboration mitigates risks:


Husdal, J (2010) Supply Chain Risk – The dark side of supply chain management. Unpublished. Lecture notes, Molde University College, Molde, Norway.


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