is back?

Many of you may have wondered why there hasn’t been a new post on this blog for 6 months, and admittedly, I am quite embarrased about it, because I used to be such a regular blogger. Unfortunately my career change has led me down a path less in touch with supply chain risk, in particular the academic side of supply chain risk, and hence less to blog about. At least, that is how I have felt for the past six months.

Besides casting blogging aside for a while, I have been very busy with getting to know my new home area and I have also built a new house for my family (which I did blog about, albeit in Norwegian only). Add to that, my baby daughter has grown and no longer sleeps through the day or lies still on the floor, but demands full-time attention, round the clock, so my time for blogging is very limited. Good explanations, but bad excuses, I know.

That said, I hope to get back to blogging soon, because, despite what I first thought, my new job has ample opportunties/topics for blogging, although more related to business continuity and crisis managment, and less related to supply chain risk.

Posted in my BLOGGING

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