Blog Archives

2009 – looking back

Time for a short review of 2009, looking back at how this blog has evolved over the past 12 months and where it may be headed in the near future. This blog has seen quite a change during 2009 and by the looks of it, it is headed in the right direction, but will my readers follow?

Posted in my BLOGGING
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The difference between legal and illegal supply chains
For a budding researcher, other people's PhD papers or dissertations can be a true inspiration and g[...]
Robust, Resilient and Secure
Antagonistic threats against supply chains are a special and limited array of risks and uncertaintie[...]
Supply Chain Logistics Risk in Germany
What are the most common supply chain and logistics risks that businesses and logistics providers ha[...]
Book Review: Virtual Teams
This is another post resulting from my literature review when researching background material for my[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
Saving Norway's crumbling infrastructure
NTP 2010-2019
Following up my post this morning called "D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure", the numbers [...]
from HERE and THERE
Supply chains and barcodes
Have you ever thought about how barcodes are a major factor in performance of supply chains? As we a[...]
Pålitelighet og sårbarhet av transportsystemer
Transportsystemer som veg og jernbane danner ryggraden i et moderne samfunn. PÄliteligheten og sÄrba[...]