Blog Archives

Better Alexa ranking – how to

Today I will share some personal thoughts on my blogging: The magic Alexa ranking, supposedly showing a website’s popularity on the Internet. But does Alexa ranking really matter? Is a high Alexa ranking really a quality sign? You know, Alexa is so easy to manipulate.

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Graph Theory to the rescue
Graph Theory. In Supply Chain Management? It's probably 10 years ago since last time I looked at Gra[...]
Measuring supply chain risk management
This paper was suggested by one of my readers, and upon reading it I must admit that it IS one of th[...]
Supply Chain Risk - Jetzt auch auf Deutsch
Unbeknown to me - or perhaps I really should have known better - there appears to be a large body of[...]
Book Review: The Geography of Transport Systems
This is a book I've wanted to lay my hands on for a long time. The Geography of Transport Systems by[...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
from HERE and THERE
Fewer suppliers mean fewer choices for consumers
The financial crisis has created an supply chain crisis, says The Economist. As demand for cheap goo[...]
Business continuity 101
This is the 3rd day with severe transportation and thus supply chain disruptions all over Europe, du[...]