Blog Archives

Better Alexa ranking – how to

Today I will share some personal thoughts on my blogging: The magic Alexa ranking, supposedly showing a website’s popularity on the Internet. But does Alexa ranking really matter? Is a high Alexa ranking really a quality sign? You know, Alexa is so easy to manipulate.

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State of the art in SCRM?
A severe supply chain disruption has hit my own blog: More than a month without a post. It's not tha[...]
Strategic Alliances: Trust Control Risk
Can strategic alliances really work?  In Trust, Control and Risk in Strategic Alliances, Das & T[...]
Book Review: Transportation Security
Instead of Transportation Systems Security, which I reviewed in an earlier post, I should have settl[...]
Book Review: Creative Destruction
Like with so many of my other recent book reviews I came across Nolan and Croson's book, Creative De[...]
Global Risks 2008 - A prediction come true
In my post on Hyper-optimization and supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk? I highlig[...]
Critical Infrastructure and Resilience
What happens when a business is disabled for a length of time? What are the impacts on its profitabi[...]
from HERE and THERE
Research Blogging - for the investigative mind?
If you're a regular reader of this blog, you will notice that many posts reviewing  the literature n[...]
Call for papers – MITIP 2009
The factory of the future is calling for a shift in strategic vision.  Already, many operations are [...]