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Book Review: Transportation Systems Security

This book, Transportation Systems Security by by Allan McDougall and Robert Radvanovsky is not what I thought it would be, but it’s not the books fault, I have to admit that much. It’s the classic misunderstanding of the difference of the terms “safety” and “security”.

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Robustness, resilience, flexibility and agility
robustness flexibility resilience
Several “buzzwords” have been linked to supply chain risk  management (SCRM) in various ways: robust[...]
Supply Chain Flexibility in Strategic Networks
A supply chain as a virtual enterprise network. That is the underlying reasoning in the 2009 paper H[...]
SME Risk Management
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up the majority of enterprises in most countries, and[...]
Supply Chain Risk - Jetzt auch auf Deutsch
Unbeknown to me - or perhaps I really should have known better - there appears to be a large body of[...]
Global Risks 2012
Are economic imbalances and social inequality risk reversing the gains of globalization? Should we s[...]
Vulnerable or valuable supply chain?
More than a year old now, but still holding not so few words of wisdom is the Pricewaterhouse Cooper[...]
from HERE and THERE
Less cost and less disruptions?
One of the regular readers of my blog alerted me to an article in the NY Times titled Slow Trip Acro[...]
MITIP 2011 in Trondheim, Norway
This conference is a bit on the sideline for the topic of this blog, but since I have promoted it bo[...]